Book Review: Cassandra High Availability

cassandraPackt recently asked me to review their new publication Cassandra High Availability, written by Robbie Strickland.

I’ve worked with Cassandra in the past — early designs of Loggly‘s 2nd generation Log analytics platform used Cassandra as its authoritative store for log data, but we ended up pulling it and using elasticsearch as both the store and search engine.

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Software Development for Infrastructure

Bjarne Stroustrup has another very interesting paper on his website.  Titled Software Development for Infrastructure, it discusses some key ideas for building software that has “…more stringent correctness, reliability, efficiency, and maintainability requirements than non-essential applications.”  It is not a long paper, but offers useful observations and guidelines for building such software systems.

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Drop, Throttle, or Buffer

Real-time — or near real-time — data pipelines are all the rage these days.  I’ve built one myself, and they are becoming key components of many SaaS platforms. SaaS Analytics, Operations, and Business Intelligence systems often involve moving large amounts of data, received over the public Internet, into complex backend systems. And managing the incoming flow of data to these pipelines is key.

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Come for the Features, Stay for the Uptime

I’ve been thinking  a lot recently about what makes computer services and products sticky — what makes users and customers come back again and again to what you’ve built. There are lots of ways to summarize it, but when it comes to systems that help technical people run their own systems, they come for the features, but they stay for the uptime.

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Evolving a language in and for the real world: C++ 1991-2006

c_0Bjarne Stroustrup has great paper on his website titled Evolving a language in and for the real world: C++ 1991-2006. It provides fascinating insights on the development of the language, the challenges involved, and discusses interesting design ideas. If you have even a basic understanding of C++, it’s a such a worthwhile read.

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Replicating SQLite using Raft Consensus

raft-logoSQLite is a “self-contained, serverless, zero-configuration, transactional SQL database engine”.  However, it doesn’t come with replication built in, so if you want to store mission-critical data in it, you better back it up. The usual approach is to continually copy the SQLite file on every change.

I wanted SQLite, I wanted it distributed, and I really wanted a more elegant solution for replication. So rqlite was born.

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Philip O'Toole